Warsaw NY and the Suffrage Movement

Started 2021 / Complete 2022

The Warsaw Chamber of Commerce choice Ella Hawley Crossett (1853 – 1925) as a great person in Warsaw history for you to get to know and represent the local suffrage movement. She was leading the Charge for Women’s Rights to Vote. (Ella’s cameo is portrayed front and center

In 1891, Ella organized a convention in Warsaw. Her friends Anna Howard Shaw and Susan B. Anthony galvanized attendees to act for the cause. The Wyoming County Suffrage Association and the Warsaw Equality Club formed. Elected president of both, Ella retained these positions until the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment which gave women voting rights. (You can see the installation of officers and members from the Buffalo chapter depicted in the mural on the right)

From 1902 to 1910 Ella served as President of the NY State Suffrage Association. Her name appears among 81 suffrage pioneers listed on a bronze memorial placed in the NY State Capitol in 1931.
Ella Hawley Crossett’s grave marker is in the Warsaw Cemetery on the east side of Route 19(just up the road from this mural) . She is buried next to her husband, John Crossett, who remained in Warsaw while she traveled the state as the President of the New York State Suffrage Association.

On the west side of Route 19 (just a ¼ mile down the road in the other direction) The Warsaw Public Library at 130 North Main Street houses an autographed copy of the History of Woman Suffrage by Susan B. Anthony presented by Ms. Anthony to the Women of Warsaw for their devoted service to the cause.

View the – Suffragist Tour of Warsaw NY

Womens Suffrage collage
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